Public Blackboard
The Public Blackboard will be available HERE, soon.
Member Space
All members of the society have the possibility to publish information at the Member Space,
where following rules apply:
- Each member is identified by a nick name
- The Society can connect you with the real persons
- The nick name "vorstand" is reserved for the board of directors of the society
- The nick name "rechnungspruefer" is reserved for the controllers that supervise the society
- Each member may decide, whether to open this information to the public or leave the information restricted to other members
Responsible for the Blackboard
Gesellschaft für rechnergestützte Zusammenarbeit
Hengsttalweg 14
2734 Puchberg/Schneeberg
Austria (Europe)
ZVR-Zahl: 1519918045 *)
*) The central registry of associations in Austria (ZVR) can be queried at the address For this purpose, you need the "ZVR-Zahl"