X3D Demo Videos
These Demo Videos are about my activities at The Society.
So far I have dealt with some experimental software, which I call SOMA (Simple ClOud Based Management of Associations), and with some experiments using the X3D standard for 3D Chat.
Demo Videos about the Basic SOMA Access and Usage
Following Demo Videos were recorded on my private laptop.
The cloud password to access the videos is: HalloWelt
- 2023-10-26 (04): How to Start with my ownCloud account (for SOMA)
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/fnfiH7Sp8lx54v0 - 2023-11-04 (05): How to share your apps with other SOMA users
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/ZaQ1ArACJReAXGb - 2023-11-10 (06): How to install the VPN Calendar on your Android Phone (DAVx5)
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/qce3205GgwZBo1K - 2023-11-12 (07): SOMA - Reserved Directory Names
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/vcg9NPxq0VjztCV - 2024-01-26 (14): Some Clarifications about How to Install the VPN
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/Saa6I9RbVFhgGIL - 2024-05-01 (20): Another Explanation about the VPN Keys and Config
Initial Tests with FreeWrl and DIS
Following Demo Videos were recorded on my private laptop.
The cloud password to access the videos is: HalloWelt
- 2023-09-23 (01): First Demo Video about FreeWRL (and X3D) - to grasp the idea
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/7a9BkqLUwjtsTuL - 2023-09-30 (02): Second Demo Video about logging in to the TS3 server
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/znI8ksgOvhhp4WW - 2023-09-30 (03): Third Demo Video about the Web3D examples and X_ITE
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/OWdPNDP2LkpMZZR - 2023-12-01 (08): How to use TeamSpeak + TeamViewer
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/JajzQUgGamaWMpI - 2023-12-20 (09): Very first start of elevator3.x3d with two local instances
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/FQCi7ix1yUGHIUF - 2023-12-21 (10): TEST003 - Single User test with elevator3.x3d
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/x0t3Hn4U5MYV1pY - 2023-12-21 (11): TEST004 - Behavioral Assessment elevator3.x3d, 2 local users
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/UxkgCKvWakBEg7p - 2023-12-26 (12): Short but important (preparation for Thu, 2023-12-28)
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/k5lMB3zcDgk8YBu - 2024-01-20 (13): TEST007 - Two Machines (Two Instances) elevator3.x3d, VPN fixed
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/W8sXMH06v7g3KKr - 2024-02-14 (16): Re-Test - Two Instances elevator3.x3d with freeWrl 6.6 - ALL FIXED
On the Way to the Testing of SMUoS
Following Demo Videos were recorded on my private laptop.
The cloud password to access the videos is: HalloWelt
- 2024-02-10 (15): A first view to the "Simplified Use Case"
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/XQBlZ57sRMbCYhr - 2024-03-02 (17): A first idea of a slider standing still
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/m8n04NwioQpzBN3 - 2024-03-03 (18): First Slide Bar with DIS Multiuser (Teapot Review)
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/TbiuvmeC4Owt23u - 2024-03-16 (19): Our Goal for 2024
https://lc-soc-lc.at/owncloud/index.php/s/BMQeF9fSgir4TaR - 2024-07-28 (21): Closing Project 003 "Some Tests with FreeWrl and DIS"
Now on the Way with Nextcloud ("New SOMA")
Following Demo Videos were recorded on my private laptop.
The cloud password to access the videos is: EinhornHoehle
- 2025-02-16 (22): How to replace your ownCloud client by Nextcloud