Experimental Common Resources (ECR)

Experimental Common Resources (Chronologically)

ECR are resources that might become NCR (necessary common resources) or ICR (informational common resources) in the future, but these facts are not yet settled

Currently, following ECR are provided by Webmaster ben-yeti

Das dritte Kind (Erzählung)


Personal wordpress.com Blogs of Christoph VALENTIN

These resources are documented HERE.

Tiny Experimental vServer

!!! M A I N T E N A N C E - W O R K !!!
The vServer might be switched off without prior notice!

We are currently using a single instance of a vServer, which we have rented at the provider hoststar.at.

That vServer provides following services, currently

Service ID Description
RA Remote Access (LINUX Accounts)
HPSSL Home Page with SSL (https://)
EOC Experimental ClOud Service
TVI Tiny VPN Island
ESOMA Experimental SOMA
EJV Experimental JSONverse

Tiny Cloud Deployment

!!! M A I N T E N A N C E - W O R K !!!
The Tiny Cloud Deployment might be switched off without prior notice!

This Nextcloud deployment (login HERE) is acting according to the "Hollywood Principle" currently:

Don't call us! We call you!

A Few Experiments...

...are documented HERE

Home of SrrTrains

The topic "Home of SrrTrains" has been moved from the provisional place http://members.chello.at/christoph.valentin to this site.

It is now available under the link TBD.